
We're just a couple of friends with a few good games. Check here often for news and updates coming from ShawtyHullstineFilms.


Tuesday, November 22, 2011

MLG EXTREME Episode 75: "Breakneck"


Sorry for the month long wait, but new content is out.  Personal problems got in the way, and I have to take care of those first before I can commit myself to you guys.  I know it sucks, but that's how things are gonna have to be as long as this is just a hobby.

But lo and behold, MLG EXTREME Episode 75: Breakneck is out.  You can view it here or down below:

Wizzle and I just got done recording a bit more before writing this, and we got some awesome stuff.  We have lots of other content, too.  But it's not very good content in my opinion.  I'm sure it'll make it's way onto SHF eventually as an Extra or something, but I'll only use it as a last resort for an episode.

Anywho, We've been caught up in some good games recently and we hope to capture their worlds as well as Reach's.  Until then, stay classy.
