So if you were up late last night like I was, then you probably would have noticed that Bungie is selling Bungie Aerospace clothing!
What is Bungie Aerospace, you ask?
Well it is most likely the next game that Bungie is making. Yeah, we're not just Halo fans. We're also Bungie fans.
Bungie Aerospace has been causing speculation since the Bungie Aerospace website was discovered by a fan a few months ago.
I'm pretty pumped to see what Aerospace is! But I gotta admit, I'm pretty sad to see Bungie leave Halo and the awesome universe they've been creating since 2001.
Bungie Aerospace may be the future of ShawtyHullstineFilms, but that is a ways away. Right now we're dedicated to bringing you the best of Halo (and occasionally other games).
But until next time my friends,
Per Audacia Ad Astra!
Sorry I couldn't get the image to fit. I was too lazy to manually crop it down. All that's really cut off is part of the ring.
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