
We're just a couple of friends with a few good games. Check here often for news and updates coming from ShawtyHullstineFilms.


Sunday, December 26, 2010

A New Era of ShawtyHullstineFilms


Merry Christmas! Hope all you children got nice things under the tree. What did I get you ask? Well I've already put my presents to work. A Hauppauge HD PVR and Sony Vegas Pro 9!

You can see my HD Test done in Assassins Creed Brotherhood here and my "A New Era in ShawtyHullstineFilms" trailer here. Make sure to watch both in 1080p!


Sunday, December 19, 2010

MLG EXTREME Episode 47: "Merry Christmas from the ShawtyHullstineFilms Family"


So no Christmas machinima this year, but we still managed to pull off a Christmas special. Check out MLG EXTREME Episode 47: "Merry Christmas from the ShawtyHullstineFilms Family" here.

Happy holidays from our family to yours!


P.S.-If all goes according to plan, next week's MLG EXTREME should be in shiny 1080i HD with some credits and hopefully a new intro. I can't wait!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

SHF Christmas!


Image courtesy of xWPx BloodFang.

Some time next week, a SHF Christmas special will go up on YouTube. Nothing amazing, nor will it be a Machinima. Just something to get you into the holiday spirit, ShawtyHullstineFilms style.

Happy Holiday!


Monday, December 13, 2010

MLG EXTREME Episode 46: "Super Happy Slide"


Happy Monday! The new MLG EXTREME is up like it is every Monday. :D You can view it here.


Sunday, December 5, 2010

MLG EXTREME Episode 45: "Tempest"


So I didn't know how much time I would have tomorrow, so I decided to upload the new MLG EXTREME today. You can view it here.

It's pretty funny. Definitely worth the watch.


PS-Watch this to hear JT get beat up by his mom.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Proof that I suck at Halo


I've always known that I was bad at Halo, but I never knew that I was this bad.

Give the link a while to load.


Monday, November 29, 2010

MLG EXTREME Episode 44: "Lone Wolf"


MLG EXTREME Episode 44: "Lone Wolf" is up. You can view it here.

I've been saying this a lot lately, but I can't wait to get my hands on some new equipment. I want to do something epic. I want to make you choke with nostalgia. Maybe a little tribute to MLG EXTREME? We'll see. :)


Saturday, November 27, 2010

Overkill Glitches Episode 10: "Out of Exodus"


So it's been a while, but we've made a new Overkill Glitches.

You can view it here.

The visual quality of my videos is starting to annoy me. Hopefully, we'll have an HD capture card and a brand new editing program by the end of next month.


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Bungie Aerospace!


So if you were up late last night like I was, then you probably would have noticed that Bungie is selling Bungie Aerospace clothing!

What is Bungie Aerospace, you ask?

Well it is most likely the next game that Bungie is making. Yeah, we're not just Halo fans. We're also Bungie fans.

Bungie Aerospace has been causing speculation since the Bungie Aerospace website was discovered by a fan a few months ago.

I'm pretty pumped to see what Aerospace is! But I gotta admit, I'm pretty sad to see Bungie leave Halo and the awesome universe they've been creating since 2001.

Bungie Aerospace may be the future of ShawtyHullstineFilms, but that is a ways away. Right now we're dedicated to bringing you the best of Halo (and occasionally other games).

But until next time my friends,
Per Audacia Ad Astra!


Sorry I couldn't get the image to fit. I was too lazy to manually crop it down. All that's really cut off is part of the ring.

Monday, November 22, 2010

MLG EXTREME Episode 43: "Freakin Whores"


The newest MLG EXTREME is up. You can view it here.

There was a pretty positive reaction to last week's COD Zombies MLG EXTREME. We might have to do a little Zombie mini-series later.


Saturday, November 20, 2010

MLG EXTREME Episode 42: "Zombies"


So it's late, but MLG EXTREME Episode 42 is finally up. You can view it here.

So, this video is actually set in Black Ops. No, we're not moving MLG EXTREME to COD, nor are we making MLG EXTREME a multi-game series. We're just simply taking a 1 episode break from Halo because we've been playing a lot of Black Ops lately.

Don't call me a hypocrite. Halo is still our number one game, but Black Ops is a nice change of pace for a while. When it gets boring by the time the new map pack comes out, we'll be playing a lot of Reach again.


PS-I've been doing a lot thinking about what made some of the older MLG EXTREME's so good. I think what some of the newer ones have been lacking is some crude comedy and some central themes. So in the next episode (coming out Monday, we recorded it already) we messed with some people in the pre-game lobby and then had a central theme throughout the episode.

See ya Monday! ;)




So I was directed toward a website where you could make your own Pokemon card.

Here is mine-

Click to make huge.

If you're interested in making your own, you can do it here.


PS-MLG EXTREME will be here soon. So sorry for the delay. :(

Monday, November 15, 2010

MLG EXTREME Late This Week


So things have been really busy this week. So busy that we were unable to record MLG EXTREME. In fact, it's still not recorded. Expect it up late this week because I can't record today or tomorrow.

Sorry guys. You know that we don't miss our Monday release often.


Monday, November 8, 2010

MLG EXTREME Episode 41: "Skull Cave"


So we're kicking off Season 5 of MLG EXTREME with MLG EXTREME Episode 41: "Skull Cave". It's a pretty good one. You can check it out here.

Also, I wanted to give a quick word on the highly anticipated sequel to Fanboy. The project is still in the beginning phases, but I want to do it right. It's too close to Christmas to go out buying expensive equipment (Sony Vegas, HD Capture Card), so I won't begin filming until after Christmas. I'm still gonna get some of the voice work and pre-filming stuff done. Please be patient. :)


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

MLG EXTREME Episode 40: "Team Snipers", A Machinima Test Video, and a New Beginning


So we have a lot going on. First, MLG EXTREME Season 4 comes to a close with MLG EXTREME Episode 40: "Team Snipers". You can view it here. Sorry about the delay, but yesterday was a busy day.

Secondly, I made a test machinima out of a King of the Hill game Wizzle and I played. It's nothing more than me flinging the camera around wildly trying to make it look like an epic battle. If you're interested, you can view it here.

Lastly, I want to welcome you to my second YouTube channel, SHFCommunity. The goal of the channel is to have people submit their Halo-related gameplay to me and I'll upload it to that channel. Here are some rules and information (subject to change).

This channel features Halo videos submitted to us by the ShawtyHullstineFilms community. To submit a video, please email a link to a rendered video on Bungie.net (so I could download it and upload it here), or a link to the video on your fileshare on Bungie.net (so I could download it to my Xbox and film it with my capture card) to ShawtyHullstineFIlms@gmail.com. Be sure to include your desired video title and description.

Submission Rules:
1. Do not submit content that may be offensive to others.

2. Please do not submit anything that may cause ShawtyHullstineFilms, Microsoft, or Bungie to break the law.

3. Make sure you have the rights to any extra content (music, audio clips, etc...) that you use in your video.

4.You may only submit a video that was made by you.

5. You may submit Halo gameplay or machinima.

6. Do not put any excess advertising in your video. You may advertise yourself, (your YouTube channel, etc...) but make sure it's not the main focus of your video.

7. Try to keep videos under 7 minutes


Friday, October 29, 2010

"A Marine's Paradise" (Halo CE Fanfic)


So last Friday I was bored and decided to put my writing skills to the test. I wrote up a story (inspired by John Steinbeck's "Of Mice and Men") and submitted it to HBO's Fan fiction section. Well it got approved and is now available for your reading! Go look!


Thursday, October 28, 2010

ShawtyHullstineFilms Podcasts


So I was thinking about making ShawtyHullstineFilms podcasts. I'm not gonna put them up on iTunes, but rather some sort of file-sharing site. They will mainly feature affiliates of ShawtyHullstineFilms (Wizzle, JT, Bloodfang, Rhoxs, Toasty, ect...). I just thought I'd share that to give you something to look forward to.


Monday, October 25, 2010

MLG EXTREME Episode 39: "Multi Team"


So we're getting ready to close out MLG EXTREME season 4. I gotta say that season 4 hasn't really been all that great. Both Wizzle and I have been very busy lately so most of these new MLG EXTREME's have been late-night recordings when we're both exhausted and really can't be funny. We promise to improve.

Anyway, you can see MLG EXTREME Episode 39: "Multi Team" here.


Sunday, October 24, 2010

MLG EXTREME Extra: "Vehicle Smashing"


So we made a real quick MLG EXTREME Extra after we filmed MLG EXTREME Episode 38 last week. I was too lazy to add my voice to this one, so you're just gonna hear others talking. It's pretty funny.

You can view MLG EXTREME Extra: "Vehicle Smashing" here.




So here is a funny clip that happened to us while we were playing the Halo: Reach campaign on the mission "Exodus."

You can view it here.

Also, a MLG EXTREME Extra should be up sometime tomorrow if everything goes according to plan.


Monday, October 18, 2010

MLG EXTREME Episode 38: "Land of the Dongs V2"


MLG EXTREME Episode 38: "Land of the Dongs V2" is up. It's a pretty good one after a stretch of somewhat boring ones. You can view it here. Actually as I was watching this the old Land of the Dongs MLG EXTREME started playing in the Livestream widget at the bottom of the blog. You can view that one here.

We also filmed a real quick extra after this that I'll upload when I have time.


Fanboy: Revelation


So I just want to officially announce a new machinima I am making called "Fanboy: Revelation." This is a sequel to the original Fanboy machinima, of course. This machinima is going to take more time and resources than any of my past machinimas. I even got a guy doing some sweet intro/credits for me. It's going to be split up into 2 or 3 parts, each released about a month apart (sorry, but I'm a busy person this time of year). I've got some of the script done and I have to get some stuff in order before I can start filming, but it will get done. I'll be sure to release a trailer, too.

Just give me time and I'll deliver a sweet machinima (hopefully...there's a lot of pressure this time since it's not just me I'm trying to please).


Friday, October 15, 2010

Celebrating 2 years of ShawtyHullstineFilms


So I was bored tonight, so I made a little clip video celebrating the 2 year anniversary of ShawtyHullstineFilms (which was founded on 10/5/2008. You can view it here.


Monday, October 11, 2010

MLG EXTREME Episode 37: "2v1 Snipers"


Sorry about the lateness of this episode. YouTube wouldn't let me upload yesterday. Anyway, here is MLG EXTREME Episode 37: "2v1 Snipers". It's up in 2 parts because it ran slightly over 15 minutes (grrr). Part 1 can be viewed here. Part 2 can be viewed here.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I take back what I said about the Reach soundtrack


So when I was writing my Halo: Reach review, I said that I was disappointed in the Halo: Reach soundtrack. I take that back. The more I listen to it, the more I like it. It's good stuff, even if it isn't as upbeat as previous soundtracks. Go get it. It may take a bit of getting used to, but it's good stuff.


Monday, October 4, 2010

MLG EXTREME Episode 36: "The Great Forge World Race"


MLG EXTREME Episode 36: "The Great Forge World Race" is up and can be viewed here.


Saturday, October 2, 2010

Guide to Making Machinima


So I was really bored tonight so I spent 2 hours typing up this guide. Have fun trying to read it. There's A LOT of content.

You can see my Guide To Making Machinima here.


Friday, October 1, 2010

Some screenshots I needed to upload


Pay no attention to this post. I needed to upload these screenshots to the internet and my blog is the easiest way to do that. I hate websites make you upload pictures via URL. For those of you that are interested, these are pics with CMNeir. I got to fill in for Josh in the H3T Finale. Anyway, just go look at the posts below this.

Thursday, September 30, 2010



So I was looking over my list of MLG EXTREME's, OKG's, and machinimas today when I realized how I've never really taken a step back to appreciate all of the hard work we've all put into ShawtyHullstineFilms. When you look at guys like CMNeir and DigitalPh33r, you almost sort of feel proud for them. However, when you're looking over everything you've done, you don't get the same feeling.

And what I also realized is that CMNeir and Digitalph33r don't just provide entertainment, they provide nostalgia. Nostalgia is key in order to keep people coming back. That's something that I really hope I do right, but I just make the videos. It's up to the viewers to decide if its nostalgic or not.

You see, with such a small subscription base, it's REALLY hard to get feedback. It almost seems like nobody watches my videos. I don't really get any communication at all. I can't really tell what I'm doing right and wrong. I don't even know if anybody actually reads these posts. Does anybody actually visit my website that I've worked pretty hard on maintaining?

You see, I encourage communication. That's what I have a twitter, forums, an email, the comments section on every post on this blog, and all the ways of communication through YouTube. It's up to you guys to tell me what I'm doing right and wrong. I actually put up a poll just to see how many people actually visit this blog. Leaving a comment with your YouTube username or something would be cool, too.

I could talk for many more paragraphs, but I'm tired. Life recently has completely drained me of my time and passion. I miss being able to be fully active with ShawtyHullstineFilms. I wish I could get all of these great machinima ideas onto paper and then made into a video. But right now I just don't have time. Don't worry, though. I'll make sure there's new content every week.

I'll make time.

Thanks for everything you guys do. I hope at least some of you appreciate my hard work.




Here are just some screenshots I felt like posting.


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

MLG EXTREME Episode 35: "Hemorrhage"


MLG EXTREME Episode 35: "Hemorrhage" can be viewed here.


Saturday, September 25, 2010

Overkill Glitches Episode 9: "Out of Winter Contingency"


Overkill Glitches Episode 9: "Out of Winter Contingency" is up here..

Pretty awesome glitch.


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

ShawtyHullstineFilms-The Game

Coming to a store near you.

Thanks to xWPx BloodFang to making that picture. It's awesome.

Oh, and he caught the misspelling of "Shawty" and currently fixing it.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Halo: Reach Review *Spoilers*


So it's finally here. Halo: Reach. It's really hard to believe that this era of gaming is finally over. Or has it just begun?

Anyways..Let's get to the review, shall we?


-Campaign-Sure, Bungie is mostly known for multiplayer, but I've always enjoyed the campaign. In the past Halo games, the campaign has been more upbeat. There wasn't a sense of certain destruction looming over you like there is in Reach. I always liked that about the Halos. However, in Reach the campaign has a VERY dark tone to it. Noble Team is destroyed one by one until it is completely wiped out. Jun is the last to die. His death is described in the books (although they don't refer to him as "Jun"). All of the death is destruction really puts a new spin onto Halo. As much as I hate to see the upbeat, comedy-filled moments in Halo go, I really gotta say that the atmosphere was pretty enjoyable. It was also great to see the return of the Pillar of Autumn. I really liked how the integrated Cortana and Master Chief (Although I would have rather seen MC and Noble 6 meet). That brings me to my next point. There were some cannon flaws. The Pillar of Autumn was docked in space first, not on Reach. Also, MC wasn't put into cryosleep until they jumped into slipspace. That stuff doesn't bother me, but I just thought that I would bring it up.

-Multiplayer-Endless fun. What more can I say?

-Forge World-Also endless fun.

-Soundtrack-O'Donnell/Salvatori never disappoint.


-Forge-Too difficult to use now. Now I haven't gotten to use forge a lot now, but nothing really works like you would expect it to. Also, there aren't a lot of good forge maps. Most (except Forge World) are close-quarters maps. They need a new DLC fast.

-Machinima-No good maps to use.

-Team Snipers-I got to play 1 game of team snipers on Blood Gulch, and it was AMAZING. Unfortunately, there is no Team Snipers playlist. Boo!

Nerfed Warthog-That thing is as light as a feather. THE GREATEST WARTHOG TEAM EVER is about to have some trouble.

Well that was just my 2 cents on Reach. Don't get me wrong, I LOVED the game and still LOVE the game. I'll be playing it for years to come. However, I still think Halo needs to revolved around Master Chief and Cortana. I'm ready to get back to them. Sadly, Bungie won't be telling that story.

See you on Reach,

Monday, September 20, 2010

MLG EXTREME Episode 34: "Welcome to Reach"


MLG EXTREME is now in Halo: Reach.

You can view MLG EXTREME Episode 34: "Welcome to Reach" here.

Next week we'll get into some multiplayer most likely.


Overkill Glitches Episode 8: "Out of Reflection"


I'm really hoping that we can get some good glitches in Reach. I've been really busy lately and we really haven't gotten a chance to look around much. We did however manage to find this glitch...

Overkill Glitches Episode 8: "Out of Reflection" can be viewed here.

I'm hoping to write up a Reach review here once I actually finish the campaign and get more multiplayer in.


Sunday, September 12, 2010

MLG EXTREME Episode 33: "A Farewell to Halo 3"


Here is our last MLG EXTREME in Halo 3 for a while.

See you all Tuesday in Reach.


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Halo: Combat Evolved for PC Review


So I haven't done a review in a while, but this game is worthy of one.

It's no secret that I am a HUGE Halo fan. I love every single aspect of the game. It's given me new passions and has allowed me to meet lots of new people which I play frequently with. I love each game in the series for different reasons. I love the Xbox version of Halo: Combat Evolved because it's the beginning. Lots of beautiful artwork fills an entire alien landscape. There's also a lot of nostalgia packed in it. The only thing that's missing from it is...MULTIPLAYER. God this game would have been taken to an entirely new level if there was multiplayer in the Xbox version

Well with Halo: CE for PC, it goes to that next level.

Sure, it's regular Halo on the computer, too. You got your basic campaign and LAN of course, but the INTERNET MULTIPLAYER is where it's at. It's a freakin' blast. That's all I can say. The controls are perfect, too. You use the W, A, S, and D keys to move while you use your mouse to aim. (By the way, it's pretty much impossible to use a laptop touchpad and play this game, so get a $15 wireless mouse.)

There are also weapons and vehicles featured in the PC online multiplayer that aren't found in the Xbox version multiplayer, including the plasma cannon, the Banshee, the Gauss Warthog, and the flamethrower (KILL IT WITH FIRE!). All of these new features play differently then they do in the other Halo games. And remember, the CE pistol is your friend. :)

If you're into modding, this game is SCREAMING to be modded (although if you do want to mod, you're better off getting the Custom Edition.  Don't worry though. I haven't encountered any modding in online multiplayer. I think that's pretty well monitored.

Also, don't worry about player population. Even though this game has been out for 6 or 7 years on the PC, it still has a strong community. You should never have any trouble finding a server with players on it.

That's really I all can say. It's AWESOME...and CHEAP on Ebay/Amazon. Oh, and you can redeem your product key on Bungie.net for visual flair in Halo: Reach for a short period of time.

If you do get this game, contact me somehow and maybe we can start up a server. :)

Happy playing,

Monday, September 6, 2010

MLG EXTREME Episode 32: "Splitscreen"


MLG EXTREME Episode 32 is up here.

Wizzle and I made this when we were making "How to be MLG."

Only 1 more episode remains until Reach.


Sunday, September 5, 2010

MLG EXTREME Extra: "My Last Halo 2 Game"


So here is some footage of my last Halo 2 game. I waited to upload this so we could say a final goodbye to the past of Halo before we venture into the future.

You can view MLG EXTREME Extra: "My Last Halo 2 Game" here.


Monday, August 30, 2010

How to be MLG (A Halo 3 Machinima)


How to be MLG (A Halo 3 Machinima) can be viewed here. This is by far the best machinima we have. This time I got some help from Wizzle (XxPhantomsHockey29).


Thanks to HBO for featuring this video.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

MLG EXTREME Episode 31: "MLG EXTREME Goes to Halo: Reach Promo"


MLG EXTREME Episode 31 is here.

Lots of memories were had in Halo 3, but it's time to move on to Halo: Reach. While we won't leave Halo 3 for good, Halo: Reach is MLG EXTREME's new home. Same goes for Overkill Glitches.

Only 2 more MLG EXTREMEs until Reach!!!


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

ShawtyHullstineFilms' 100th Video Special


I've finally reached the milestone of 100 videos. Thank you all who have supported me. I look forward to the next 100 videos.

You can see ShawtyHullstineFilms' 100th Video Special here.

Thank you,

MLG EXTREME Episode 30 and and an MLG EXTREME Extra up


MLG EXTREME Episode 30: "Herga Derga Derga" can be viewed here.

MLG EXTREME Extra: "We're like a Spaceship!" is up in 2 parts.
Part 1 is here. Part 2 is here.

Next up...video #100.

Stay tuned,

Friday, August 20, 2010

MLG EXTREME Episode 30 might be late, along with other news!


So I just wanted to let you know that MLG EXTREME Episode 30 has the possibility of being late due to a hectic weekend ahead. But if all goes right, it'll be the MLG EXTREME promo for Halo: Reach

On a completely unrelated note, some people have been experiencing difficulty signing up for the forums on my website. I'm not sure if people are just doing it wrong or if it is a problem for certain computers (all the computers I've experimented with work). Anyway, if you can't make an account and want one, just send me an email (fill out the forum in the "Contact Us" section of my website) including your desired username, password, and your email and I'll create your account for you. You will show up in the "members" section upon your first post in the forum.

While I'm off topic, I might as well mention that there is a good possibility that "Keeper of the Flame" will have a sequel in Reach. Deadlyfrost9 was kind enough to write and send me a script. However, I may need the assistance of a few people with a flaming helmet, that comes with the legendary edition of the game. I'll ask for help when the time comes (please don't send me emails right this instant inquiring if you can help, I'll let you know here on my blog).

EDIT- Episode 30 will not be late.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010



So Wizzle and I put our MLG-ness to the test and took on several unlucky volunteers. Unfortunately, the footage time was around 18 minutes, so this episode is in 2 parts (FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-).

Part 1 is here.

Part 2 is here.

I liked this episode.


Sunday, August 15, 2010

New new Website


So my old website was waaaay too restricting. I only got a little bit of space for storage and only got 100mb of bandwidth per month. So I got a new one, complete with forums and all, here. Although this one doesn't have some of the cool features the old one had, it still does the job. To sign up on the website, you have to go to the forums and go to "log in." Then use the right side of the page to create your account.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Overkill Glitches Episode 7: "The Invisible Box", MLG EXTREME Episode 28: "Rally Alpha Point"


Here's Overkill Glitches Episode 7.

Here's MLG EXTREME Episode 28. This isn't my greatest episode. We were short on filming time this week. :(

You may have also noticed several changes around ShawtyHullstineFilms. I made a new logo entirely by hand (SHF stands for ShawtyHullstineFilms, FYI). The next change is a new YouTube layout. I've grown tired of the plain white and red background and logo that I made over a year ago. Change can sometimes be good. :)


Friday, August 6, 2010

New Website


I got a new website.

There's forums, links, and everything. It's really cool. Go sign up.

This is a really great way for everyone to get to interact with each other.

Don't worry, I'll still be updating this blog regularly, too.


Thursday, August 5, 2010

Missing In Action


So earlier I told you that I was postponing MIA. Well I lied. I got started on it again tonight. Wizzle, Bloodfang, Deadly, JTPri123, and Rhoxs will be helping me. It will be done over Xbox Live which means no weapon lowering. :( Anyway I can't wait to show you guys this awesome story.


Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Keeper of the Flame (A Halo 3 Machinima)


So I procrastinated a month, but it is finally here. ShawtyHullstineFilms proudly presents...Keeper of the Flame.


Edit: Now featured on halo.bungie.org. Many thanks to Claude Errera and Halo.Bungie.Org!!!

MLG EXTREME Episodes 26 and 27


Sorry about the late upload (today is Tuesday) but both last week's MLG EXTREME (which couldn't be uploaded because I was on vacation and this week's episode are up on YouTube

MLG EXTREME Episode 26: "H8rs Gonna H8"

MLG EXTREME Episode 27: "Office"


Saturday, July 31, 2010



I just added a poll on the right side of the blog. I'm curious to see how many people actually visit this blog, which has become my main source of communication. Please take a moment to answer the poll. It would really help a lot.

P.S.-Check this out.


Friday, July 30, 2010



I'm back. You can expect new stuff soon.


Thursday, July 22, 2010

Out of Town


I'm gunna be out of town for a while you you can expect 2 episodes of MLG EXTREME the week after next. We will probably also throw in an Overkill Glitches, too.

Stay tuned,

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

MLG EXTREME Episode 25: "Boom!"


MLG EXTREME Episode 25 is up in 2 parts. Part 1 can be viewed here. Part 2 can be viewed here.


Thursday, July 15, 2010

REACHing into the future of ShawtyHullstineFilms


While I am procrastinating from finishing my Machinima, I decided to finally write this blog entry.

Recently a lot of people have asked me if I was going to continue MLG EXTREME and Overkill Glitches when Halo: Reach comes out, and the answer is yes. Hopefully Bungie screws up somewhere so we can get some glitches (aiming for 100 episodes). MLG EXTREME is completely universal and will be easy to do.

How long will we be in Reach? Well we're not sure yet. It depends on how long people want Halo videos. It kills me that we're at the end of the Halo era. Our next moves after Reach will probably be either:
1. We'll see what we can do with 343 Industries' Halo.
2. See what Bungie does next.

I can't wait to see what the future has in store, but don't think that we'll completely leave Halo 3. It has a special place in our hearts.

Even with Reach on the horizon, we still have a lot of work to do now.

Thanks for your continuous support,

Monday, July 12, 2010

MLG EXTREME Episode 24: "Bungie Day 2010"


MLG EXTREME Episode 24 is up in two parts (ugh). You can view Part 1 here and Part 2 here.


Sunday, July 11, 2010

Marathon: Durandal on the Xbox Live Marketplace!!!


I just discovered Marathon on the Xbox Live Marketplace!!! I know this is way old, but I just discovered it today.

For those of you who don't know what Marathon is, it's the game Bungie made before Halo when they were based in Chicago and were making games for the Mac.

It's a pretty good game for how old it is. There is a lot of reading involved, though. There is also multiplayer (which nobody plays) and some other game modes which I have not tried yet.

I highly recommend it. You can get a trail version, too. Both the full and trial versions are small and size and quick to download. If you ever want to play, feel free to send me an invite. My gamertag is farmer scott21.


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Overkill Glitches Episode 6: "Stick 'Er There"


Overkill Glitches Episode 6 is up. You can view it here.


MLG EXTREME Episode 23: "Neutral Bomb"


MLG EXTREME Episode 23 is up in two parts. Part one can be viewed here. Part two can be viewed here.


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Some Catching Up To Do


We're all caught up with MLG EXTREME. The links are all in the sidebar and I am too lazy to hyperlink them in this post. We will record a new Overkill Glitches soon. Secondly, as for now Missing In Action is on hold. I am not able to do it by myself and my friends lack interest. I still plan on making a few short Machinimas.


Wednesday, June 23, 2010



I'm back and new content will be here soon.


Saturday, June 19, 2010

Still Gone


So I'm going to be out of town Sunday through Tuesday so that means that this week's MLG EXTREME will also be late. I hope that I can get episodes 20 and 21 up next week. There might be an Overkill Glitches next week, too. Don't worry, more content is on the way.


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Overkill Glitches Episode 5: "Two Johnsons, One Pelican"


Overkill Glitches Episode 5 is up. You can view it here.


Gone for a week or so


So I just found out that I am going to be gone for a week. I will still try to put up Overkill Glitches Episode 5, but no promises.


P.S. I will be out of town this weekend so MLG EXTREME Episode 21 will be late. I will also post this week's MLG EXTREME that week, too. So you can expect episodes 20 and 21 probably around Thursday next week when I get back and have time to edit.

Monday, June 7, 2010

MLG EXTREME Episode 19: "Land Of The Dongs"


The new MLG EXTREME is up! You can view it here. You can also download the map here.


Monday, May 31, 2010

Overkill Glitches Episode 4: "Hold RB To Ride Pelican"


Episode 4 is here!!! You can view it here.


Technical Issues


So I'm very frustrated now with Pinnacle Studio 12 right now. It keeps screwing up the intro to MLG EXTREME. I swear it's like one issue after another with this program, but it's the best that I've got. Stick with me here and when I find some free time I will fix it.

By the way...the new MLG EXTREME is up now. WE'RE SOOO GAY!!! (watch video here to understand that previous statement).


Saturday, May 29, 2010

Overkill Glitches Episode 3: "Walking On Air"


Episode 3 of Overkill Glitches is out now. We found this glitch completely by accident, but it's pretty cool. You can view it here.


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Overkill Glitches Episode 2: "Out of The Ark"


Episode 2 is out!!! You can view it here. Remember, you can always contact us and share your glitches. We will even put you in the episode!!!


Monday, May 24, 2010

Glitches Needed


Got a cool Halo glitch that hasn't really been exposed on YouTube? Contact us via YouTube message or something and we'll meet up and take a look at it. If it's good, then we'll film it for Overkill Glitches with you in the episode if you want.


Saturday, May 22, 2010

Overkill Glitches Episode 1: "The Movable Pelican"


The first episode has finally arrived!!! You can view it here.


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Welcome to Overkill Glitches!!!

Hey all,

So the promo for Overkill Glitches is up. I will apologize right now for the quality. The opening sequence screwed everything up and I didn't realize how screwed up everything was until I was completely finished with editing. I am a REALLY lazy editor, so I will just leave it as it is. It is still an OK promo, though. You can check it out here. This is a really fun project and I can't wait to start cranking out episodes. We will still be doing MLG EXTREME, too.

See ya,

Saturday, May 15, 2010

New Series Coming Soon!!!

Hey Guys,

A few Xbox LIVE friends and I are making a new series exclusive to ShawtyHullstineFilms. We will be finding tricks and glitches in the Halo games and then make videos about them. Actually, right now as I am tying this, we are scouting out glitches. It is a blast, because we always end up screwing around.

And no, we are not copying off CMNeir. While it's true that we are fans, we believe that we have every right to make trick videos, too.

Anyway, we don't have a name for the show yet, but a promo is being made. You can look forward to it soon.

And this won't be a weekly thing. We'll make an episode whenever we have the time.

Stay tuned!!!


Due to a lack of creativity, we have named the show "Overkill Glitches." A promo should be up tomorrow.

Monday, May 10, 2010

MLG EXTREME Episode 15 Will Be Late


I've been VERY busy this week and couldn't find time to do MLG EXTREME. We'll try and get it uploaded by tomorrow, but no promises.

Stay tuned,


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Missing In Action

Hey everybody,

I am REALLY, REALLY excited to start "Missing In Action" this summer. I got my hands on some more music by Denny Schneidemesser, too. Every time I get new music I am always inspired to make videos. You cannot have a good Machinima without a good orchestral background. Most amateur Machinimas blast Linkin Park in the background, which always make it look stupid. Anyway, I really believe that if I work hard at it, Missing In Action will be a hit. It's more on the serious side, but my script is pretty solid. M.I.A. is a "lost chapter" in the Halo universe. It is somewhat like the "Forgotten Spartans" but with a whole new twist to it. I only have the first episode written, but I estimate the series will go for about 8 episodes. Hopefully Yobs and Wizzle can give me a big helping hand with it this summer. I estimate that, if all goes to plan, it should be out by July (although, it may be out by June. Our schedules are VERY hectic.) Stay tuned here for more info!!!


Sunday, May 2, 2010


Q: Where did you get the name "ShawtyHullstineFilms"
A: To make a long story short, a friend and I (not a cast member from MLG EXTREME) combined our old nicknames to make a YouTube account. It was supposed to be a partner project, but I run the channel and make the videos (so it's just me ((Scott)) that runs ShawtyHullstineFilms). I would love a new YouTube name because ShawtyHullstineFilms sounds kinda gay, but I have too much invested in ShawtyHullstineFilms to make a switch. I like to use SHF as an abbreviation, though.

Q: How do you make your videos?
A: Well first off, you cannot do what I do unless you are able to spend some money. The first thing you need is a capture card. I have a Dazzle DVC 100 that came bundled with Pinnacle Studio 12. For your capture card, you need 3 double-ended female splitters. The male ends go into the Dazzle, and the female ends plug into your Xbox A/V cables and a double ended A/V cable. Your Xbox DOES NOT plug into your TV. Here is an example of what I mean:


Plug in the USB cord from the Dazzle into your computer. The pull up Pinnacle Studio and select the capture/record setting. Make sure your Dazzle is selected from the "Settings" menu. Then, you press record, name your video, and go. When I film MLG EXTREME, I have Audacity open with another microphone around me neck. As soon as the video starts recording, I record my audio. Later on when I go in to edit my video, I have to overlay my voice with the video. If you want to record your friends' voice too, you need to press the Xbox button on your controller, slide over to settings, scroll down to preferences, go to "Audio" and select "play sound from both" or whatever it says. What this means is that you will be able to hear your friends out of your speakers and your headset. Since it is coming out of the speakers, it will be recorded with audio along with your video.

Q: Can I be in MLG EXTREME.
A: Sure. As long as I don't get spammed with messages from you, feel free to add me on Xbox Live and let me know when you want to record. I would really like it if you had a trick or a forge map that we could record, because doing matchmaking can get kind of boring.

Q: What games do you play?
A: Halo. I LOVE Halo, and it has been a passion of mine ever since I got Xbox LIVE. I hate COD, but you might find me there every once in a while.

Q: How did you get the idea of MLG EXTREME?
A: Wizzle and I were playing matchmaking and we decided that we needed to do something for YouTube. What better way to entertain people than to show off how much we suck at Halo? So we named the show "MLG EXTREME" as a joke (if you don't get the joke, MLG=VERY GOOD PLAYERS. We are always joking how we are sooooo MLG, so we named the show "MLG EXTREME" for that reason). So on a cold winter night, the promo was filmed and ShawtyHullstineFilms started a new chapter.

Q: Why do you do what you do?
A: If you haven't noticed, the Halo community is starting to dwindle. The best Machinima directors on YouTube are starting to lose interest in their work. I find this really sad. ShawtyHullstineFilms will be here for a looooong time even when Halo is through. It has been a dream of mine to create a community around my works, and I am starting to do just that. My channel is stuck between "new" phase and "getting up off the ground" phase. As I am typing this I have 32 subscribers. Not much, but it's a start.

Q: What is your favorite TV show?
A: I don't watch a lot of TV (most of my time is spent on video games) but if I had to pick I guess it would be "Lost."

If you have any other questions, please comment on this post with your question.


Friday, April 30, 2010







UPDATE: New MLG EXTREME Extras with Reach Beta footage. Check the sidebar because I am too lazy to hyperlink.

MLG EXTREME Ventures Into Halo: Reach

Hey all,

All day today I have been mashing F5 on Twitter trying to secure an early Halo: Reach Beta Code. Sadly, I don't think I'm gunna win one. I was hoping to get you guys an early sneak peak, but you're all going to have to wait until Monday. Anyway, Monday we will film MLG EXTREME inside the Reach beta and Livestream it eventually. I'm still uncertain on times, but it will be done. Make sure you stay tuned!!!


Thursday, April 29, 2010

Now Is Your Chance to be on MLG EXTREME!!!


So, I'm going to be recording a few games with fans on Monday or Tuesday in the Halo: Reach beta. If you would like to be in an episode, please leave a comment on this post with your age and gamertag.


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

New Machinima and an update on Missing In Action


So, I'm out of ideas for Machinima at the moment. It's not that I can't sit down and think of something, but am rather too lazy. So, to make it up to you guys, I have something for you guys that MAY or MAY NOT be ready this weekend. Stay tuned.

ALSO...remember Missing In Action? Well as you already know, that didn't make the deadline back in November. Well...good news. I got Wizzle and Yobs to help me. I plan for it to be weekly and go for about 8 weeks. The story I have created is good but I can't drag it out for multiple episodes. M.I.A. (as it has come to be called) will be a real challenge for me. This is when I get to see if I can actually make a professional looking Machinima. I am really excited about it. You can probably find the first episode starting in June or July.


Welcome to my Blog!!!

Dear Fans,

I am always looking for ways to branch out from YouTube. It has always been my ultimate goal to create a community around my works like so many have done. Although Twitter may be a fast way to get things out, it's too unorganized for me. I will continue to use Twitter, but when I have an announcement be sure to check here.
